217 E. 7800 South, Midvale, UT 84047

Husky Happenings 11.4.22

Dear Midvalley Families –

Thank you for wonderful week of learning and having fun at Midvalley.  Highlights this week include our Halloween Parade, classroom Halloween Parties, Jr. Huskies being super respectful to our substitutes on Tuesday when our 2nd and 3rd grade teachers attended LETRS training, Jr. Huskies following inside recess expectations during our snowstorm, Hillcrest Latinos in Action high schoolers learning with our Jr. Huskies in classrooms, and Hillcrest LIA playing with Jr. Huskies during lunch recess.  This is the place to be!

Go Jr. Huskies!

Jr. Husky Success…Nothing Less!

Veterans Day Program – Our 5th grade and Beverly Taylor Sorenson Music Teacher, Ms. Culberson, are busy planning for our 5th Grade Program on Nov. 11th at 9:30 am.  Should you know a veteran in our community, please invite them to attend our program.  We will honor the men and women who have given so much to our country.  Direct them to come to our office around 9:20 am so that our Jr. Huskies can escort them to be seated in our audience.

Moms Matter – What is Moms Matter? A gathering for moms to talk about what matters to YOU on November 15th from 8:00 – 8:45 am in our gym.  You will have a few minutes to eat a small breakfast with your child, and then time to chat with other moms about topics that are important to YOU!  Aunties, Sisters, Grandmothers, any supportive motherly figure is welcome!  We hope to see you there!

Holiday Supports – The Holidays are fast approaching. We have partnered with several community helpers to provide some wonderful holiday support for our families.  Forms went home with all of our Jr Huskies this week.  If your family could benefit from a full Thanksgiving Meal, or a bit of Holiday Gift help, complete a form and return it with your child or contact Wendy Heath at 801-826-8835, reach her via text at 801-750-5927, or wendy.heath@canyonsdistrict.org.

Give Thanks Week – With the spirit of gratitude during this season, we will be holding a Penny Drive to benefit Primary Children’s Hospital.  The week of November 14th – 18th, Jr. Huskies can bring a coin, or many, to donate in their classroom. The class in each grade level with the most coins donated will be rewarded with a bubble gum-blowing contest!  We will have some fun and help others during this Give Thanks Week.

Digital Citizenship Tip of the Month –  Most kids will encounter mean behavior at some point in their digital lives. To some kids, this experience is a blip that’s easily forgotten, while for others it can have deep, long-lasting effects. For parents, the key is staying involved in kids’ lives — both online and off — so they can step in and offer help if necessary. With guidance from parents and educators, kids can learn how to dodge the drama and stand up for others.  Visit Common Sense Media to learn more about these quick tips

Links to an external site. (www.commonsense.org/education).

Lost and Found – Our lost and found is full.  Families are welcome to stop by the school to claim lost items.  Please check in the front office.  Any remaining items will be donated on November 22nd.

Kindergarten Families – Applications for Midvalley’s Spanish Dual Language Immersion program are being accepted online through Nov. 21, 2022. Any kindergarten-aged student who will be starting the first grade in fall 2023 may apply. A lottery will be held to determine entrance into the programs if the number of applicants exceeds the seats available.  Questions? Call the Instructional Supports Department at 801-826-5026 or reach out to Principal Swanicke at 801.826.8803 or margaret.swanicke@canyonsdistrict.org

Stay in the know about Midvalley!

  • SOCIAL MEDIA and WEBSITE: Many questions you have can be answered with information found on our website. Midvalley is also active on Facebook and Instagram


  • Help in Classrooms – contact your teacher
  • Volunteer to help with upcoming events, PTA committees, or sign up for W.A.T.C.H. Dogs – click HERE


Substitutes – There are lots of opportunities to be an emergency sub @ $120 per day at Midvalley, regular substitute @ $140 per day, and licensed substitute at $165 per day.  We would love to have you join our team!  Reach out to Ms. Wendy Court, our head secretary, if you need further information.

Kitchen Worker – 2 hours/5 days per week/7:30-9:30 Breakfast
A la Carte – Part Time Custodian




4 PTA Board Meeting at 2:30 pm
7 5th Grade Field Trip
8 School Community Council at 3:30 pm
11 End of Trimester K – 5
11 5th Grade Veterans Day Program at 9:30 am
11 PTA General Meeting at 2:30 pm
14 – 18 Give Thanks Drive
15 Moms Matter at 7:45 am
17 Utah Food Bank at 3:00 pm
18 Report Cards Sent Home
23 – 25 Thanksgiving Recess
30 Big Smiles Dental Clinic
30 5th Grade Field Trip

2 PTA Board Meeting at 2:30 pm
12 – 16 Grinch Service Week
13 All Pro Dads at 7:45 am
15 Utah Food Bank at 3:00 pm
16 Kindergarten Program for Families at 9:30 am
16 PTA Board Meeting at 2:30 pm
19 – 2 Winter Recess

6 PTA Board Meeting at 2:30
10 Moms Matter at 745 am
10 SCC at 3:30
13 No School for Students
16 Martin Luther King Jr Day Recess
23 5th Grade Field Trip


Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org