217 E. 7800 South, Midvale, UT 84047

Jr Husky Happenings 10.19.22

Dear Midvalley Families –

We are very excited to announce that school report cards came out last week and Midvalley got a B!  On the USBE website, it states – “School report cards are intended to inform parents, educators, and community stakeholders as they work collaboratively to achieve student success. View our video to learn more about accountability for schools in Utah.”  To view our report card, click HERE.  We are very proud of our 14% increase in ELA, 6% increase in math, and 7.8% increase in science RISE proficiency scores.  We also saw a 14% increase in the growth of our lowest 25%.  Thank you to our Midvalley team for doing an excellent job teaching our Jr. Huskies!

We also want to thank our Midvalley PTA for hosting the classic skate night on Monday.  Highlights from our classrooms this week included Maestra Bonilla’s students practicing calendaring and learning numbers in Spanish, Maestra Gonzalez’s students learning to order multiplication problems while discussing their solutions in Spanish, Ms. Rogers’ class having a spooky dark math competition where students tried to beat the teacher in solving their math problems, Ms. Falke’s class showing mastery of 95% routines, Ms. Peterson’s class earning points for following her expectations, and Ms. Stark’s class learning new vocabulary.

Go Jr. Huskies!

Jr. Husky Success…Nothing Less!


Click HERE to view a How To Flyer on to set up your Smith’s account.
Please take a moment to update your Smith’s account to select Midvalley to receive .5% of your eligible purchases.

  1. Go to https://www.smithsfoodanddrug.com/topic/community/#/school-programs
  2. Click on the highlighted blue link about halfway down the page that says, “Enroll in Smith’s Inspiring Donations.”
  3. Follow the directions to create an account or log-into sign up for the “Inspired Donations” program.  It is helpful to have your 10 digit Smith’s rewards number.
  4. The easiest way to find Midvalley is by typing ONLY “RL740.”
  5. Once Midvalley pops up under “Search Results,” click Enroll.

That’s it!  You’re done.  Every time you shop at Smith’s, Midvalley will automatically get the donation.  Nothing more to do, ever!  We currently have 56 households.  Last quarter, we received $277.27.  The money is spent on student rewards and incentives.


The Halloween Parade will be held on Monday, October 31, 2022 and is scheduled to begin at 9:00 am.

All students wear their costumes to school.  Students can bring a change of clothing and following the parade can change into their regular school clothes.

Please watch for additional information from your child’s teacher

Additional Information to Allow for the Best Experience for All:

  • Costumes
    • Students may not wear masks or other items that minimize their vision.
    • Weapons (real and facsimile) are not permitted.
    • We encourage students to be creative with their costumes but to avoid blood and gore as part of their costumes.
  • Parade Route
    • To ensure student safety and provide a fun experience for students, families, and teachers, we will use the parade route map below.
    • Family seating to view the parade will be available on the north side of the building on the playground.

Kindergarten Families – Applications for Midvalley’s Spanish Dual Language Immersion program are being accepted online through Nov. 21, 2022. Any kindergarten-aged student who will be starting the first grade in fall 2023 may apply. A lottery will be held to determine entrance into the programs if the number of applicants exceeds the seats available.  Questions? Call the Instructional Supports Department at 801-826-5026 or reach out to Principal Swanicke at 801.826.8803 or margaret.swanicke@canyonsdistrict.org

Stay in the know about Midvalley!

  • SOCIAL MEDIA and WEBSITE: Many questions you have can be answered with information found on our website. Midvalley is also active on Facebook and Instagram


  • Help in Classrooms – contact your teacher
  • Volunteer to help with upcoming events, PTA committees, or sign up for W.A.T.C.H. Dogs – click HERE


Substitutes – There are lots of opportunities to be an emergency sub @ $120 per day at Midvalley, regular substitute @ $140 per day, and licensed substitute at $165 per day.  We would love to have you join our team!  Reach out to Ms. Wendy Court, our head secretary, if you need further information.

Kitchen Worker – 2 hours/5 days per week/7:30-9:30 Breakfast
A la Carte – Part Time Custodian




24 – 28 Red Ribbon WeekMonday
Wacky Sock Day —  “Sock” it to drugs
Handout: Letter about family dinner with a coupon
Crazy Hair Day  –Use your head and make good choices!
Handout: Conversation starters
Mismatch/ Inside out day — Don’t get mixed up with drugs
Handout: Compliment yourself and others worksheet
**Games during recess to encourage “no kid plays alone”
Bright Colors Day  — Jr Huskies are too Bright for drugs
Handout: Wordsearch activity page
Pajama Day  — Don’t Let Drugs Get in the Way of Your Dreams
Handout: Feelings worksheet24 Picture Make-Ups
25 Kindergarten Field Trip
27 Eye Care Clinic
31 Halloween Parade at 9:00 am
31 Classroom Parties – contact your teacher

4 PTA Board Meeting at 2:30 pm
8 School Community Council at 3:30 pm
10 Family Math Night – more information coming soon!
11 End of Trimester K – 5
11 5th Grade Veterans Day Program at 9:30 am
11 PTA General Meeting at 2:30 pm
14 – 18 Give Thanks Drive
15 Moms Matter at 7:45 am
17 Utah Food Bank at 3:00 pm
23 – 25 Thanksgiving Recess
30 Big Smiles Dental Clinic
30 5th Grade Field Trip

2 PTA Board Meeting at 2:30 pm
12 – 16 Grinch Service Week
13 All Pro Dads at 7:45 am
15 Utah Food Bank at 3:00 pm
16 Kindergarten Program for Families at 9:30 am
16 PTA Board Meeting at 2:30 pm
19 – 2 Winter Recess

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org