217 E. 7800 South, Midvale, UT 84047

Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is always a fun day for elementary students every year. We have been problem solving around helping our students enjoy the day safely and making happy memories this year. In working with our PTA, School Community Council and faculty, we have made the following plan under our health and safety guidelines. We hope to provide a fun, engaging experience for every student. Please read carefully as there are some deadlines and changes in how we will be holding our Valentine’s Day activities this year.

Student Valentines

Students may bring valentines to school in a bag labeled with the student’s name beginning Monday, February 1-February 4. Because valentines are coming from home, valentines will be held in quarantine in the student’s classroom until the class activity on February 11. Valentines cannot be brought to school AFTER February 4.

While optional, a wrapped, store bought treat can be included in the individual envelope of the valentine. “Loose” candy in valentines cannot be distributed and valentines with loose candy will be thrown away under our safety and health protocols. Valentines will go home after the class activities on February 11. Parents can decide if and when valentines are distributed to their student.

If your family would like support with providing valentines due to economic hardship, the PTA has additional purchased valentines for students to share with their class. Please let your child’s teacher know you would like a class set sent home by Monday, February 1, so that your child can get them ready by February 4.

Valentine Bags

The PTA is providing a bag for each student in which to place valentines from classmates on the day of the valentine activity. Students will be provided a valentine’s bag to decorate in class with lots of craft items for embellishing (glitter glue, pompoms, googly eyes, markers, etc.) to spark their creativity. Students will not be allowed to bring boxes or bags this year from home. This will help us with minimizing the need to quarantine items or sanitize surfaces. The PTA will provide everything needed.

Valentine Activity/Party

Valentine parties will be on Thursday, February 11 during the day. Teachers will schedule the activity at a time best for their grade level. This is our last school day before Valentine’s Day, which is on the weekend. Along with the bags and decorating craft items, the PTA is also providing treats for every classroom for the valentine party this year. No additional food will be needed for the parties in the classes. Your generous help with the fundraiser in the fall is supporting the parties for your child. Volunteers are still not able to join us in the school due to COVID guidelines in the safety and health plan. The teachers and staff will help with the activities. We look forward to the time when parents can volunteer and join us again!

Online/Parent Directed

The PTA is making extra valentine’s bags for online/parent directed students. Valentine bag kits with lots of craft items will be available for pick up in the bus lane at the front of the school on Friday, February 5, from 8:00-10:00 am, or in the office after February 5th until February 11th during office hours.

Additional Treats

As mentioned above, we are asking parents NOT to send additional food items to school for Valentine’s Day activities. The PTA Board has got you covered! 

Please let us know if you have any questions about our schoolwide Valentines celebration. A huge thank you to the PTA board and our PTA President, Sara Peck, for all they do to make Midvalley a school of excellence. Questions? As always, please feel free to contact us. We are happy to answer any concerns. (801)826-8800 or tamra.baker@canyonsdistrict.org

Warmest regards,

Tamra Baker, Principal

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org