217 E. 7800 South, Midvale, UT 84047

SCC Bylaws

Article I – Name

Midvalley Elementary School Community Council (SCC)

Article II – Laws

All Utah School Community Councils function under the following laws and statutes:

Utah Code Ann.

  • Title 53F-2-404
  • Title 53G-7-1202
  • Title 53G-7-1203
  • Title 53G-7-1206
  • Title 53G-10-407
  • Title 53G-7-1301

Utah Administrative Code

  • R277-477
  • R277-491

Canyons School District Policy

  • Policy 700.01

Article III – Standing Rules

  1. Number of Members: The number of School Community Council members will be limited to 15 total members (established Nov 2011). This number will adhere to laws
    1. Each school community council for a school other than a high school shall have four parent or guardian and two school employee members, including the principal.
    2. A school community council may determine the size of the school community council by majority vote of a quorum of the school community council provided that: the membership includes two or more parent or guardian member than the number of school employee members; and there are at least two school employee members on the school community council.
  2. Members, parent, and employee, have an expectation of attendance.
    1. If for some reason a member cannot attend, they need to notify the chairman ahead of time to be excused.
    2. Any council member who misses three scheduled meetings without notifying the chair in advance, will be given a warning or removed from the council, as deemed appropriate. 
  3.  A quorum, as defined by law, must be present to vote, and, once the vote has been cast, the majority rules.
  4. The Midvalley School Community Council will meet often enough to follow minimum state requirements and complete duties as assigned by law, rule or policy. The majority of the council has to agree to cancel a meeting.
  5. As a School Community Councils are subject to Open Meeting Law; electronic meetings must happen in accordance with the law and be publicly noticed as with any public meeting by this body.
  6. Subcommittees may be established or ceased by majority vote of the council.
    1.  Each subcommittee has to be chaired by at least one elected school community council member, which will report monthly on the committee’s progress.
    2. Other SCC members may serve on a committee.
    3. Additional Community members, both employee and parent, that are not elected SCC members may serve on any subcommittee.
  7. All meetings will be conducted using Robert’s Rules of Order.
  8. Positions to be considered by membership include:
    1.  Chair
      1. May be an elected parent or guardian member of the council.
      2. Membership needs to approve by a majority vote.
      3. The chair will conduct SCC meetings and create meeting agendas.
    2. Vice Chair
      1. May be an elected parent or guardian member or school employee member of the council, excluding the principal.
      2. Membership needs to approve by majority vote.
    3. Secretary
      1. May be an elected member of the board
      2. If appointed, membership needs to approve by majority vote
    4. PTA Liaison
      1. May be an elected parent or guardian of the committee, or
      2. An ex-offcio non-voting member of the PTA’s choosing.
  9. Guests may share appropriate input on subjects that fall under the School Community Council purview. The items that are appropriate for discussion by School Community Councils, include, but are not limited to:
    1. Teacher Student Success Plan
    2. School LAND Trust Plan
    3. Academic needs of the school, with direction to determine the greatest academic need of the school for LAND Trust Plan expenditures.
    4. Parent/School communication and involvement.
    5. School Safe Walking Route
    6. Digital Citizenship
    7. School Safety Plan
    8. Positive Behavior Plan
    9. Electronic Device Plan
  10. Items not to be discussed by the School Community Council include:
    1. Any personnel issues
    2. Individual student information
  11. For a patron to bring a topic to the School Community Council they must contact the Council Chair in advance of the meeting and ask to be added to the agenda. An individual will be given 3 minutes to present. A group will be given 5 minutes to present. The Council, as a body, may then choose to add the topic to an agenda for future discussion. The School Community Council, as a whole, may invite any person/group to make longer presentation if desired.

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org