217 E. 7800 South, Midvale, UT 84047

Spanish-English Dual Language Immersion

Click HERE to access application website.

Why Immersion?

More than 60 years of research consistently documents the power of immersion programs to help students attain high levels of second language proficiency. No other type of instruction, short of living in a second-language environment, is as successful.

Young children especially thrive in this type of instructional environment. Interestingly, language immersion is also the least expensive way to deliver second-language instruction.

Proven Benefits

  • Academic/Educational
    • Perform at or above their non-immersion peers on standardized tests administered in English
    • Achieve high levels of functional proficiency in the immersion language, i.e. display fluency, confidence, and native-like levels of comprehension in immersion language
  • Cognitive
    • Achieve meta linguistic awareness
    • Achieve higher levels of proficiency when compared with students in non-immersion language programs
    • Attain greater cognitive flexibility and better nonverbal problem-solving abilities
    • Outperform monolinguals in the areas of divergent thinking, pattern recognition, and problem solving
  • Sociocultural
    • allows access to foreign media, literature and art
    • helps student understand, navigate, and enjoy intercultural differences
    • leads to respect, positive attitudes and an appreciation of linguistic and cultural diversity
    • helps students better understand their own culture
  • Economic
    • World language abilities are increasingly important to national security, delivery of health care, economic competitiveness and law enforcement in the United States.
    • Future high-level, high-paying jobs will require competence in more than one language.

Who can participate?

The dual immersion program seeks to enroll students of varying backgrounds and all abilities.  However, it may not be a wise choice for children experiencing significant communication delays in their primary language. 

Applications are open to all students entering 1st grade.  Kindergarten is only available at Midvale Elementary for students living in the boundaries designated for Midvale Elementary.  Applications for Midvale’s Dual Language Immersion program will be handled through the school.  Please contact the school for further information.

How do I apply for a dual immersion program?

The online application process for 2023-24 is open from October 3, 2022 until November 21, 2022. After November 21, 2022, Canyons School District will continue to accept late applications which will be placed on a waitlist.

How are students selected for the program?

All programs except for Midvale Elementary (50 students) are allocated 56 placements. Each school will determine the number of in-boundary and out-of-boundary students that their building capacity can accommodate.  A random lottery is used to determine placement in each category.

In the lottery process, students with siblings already enrolled in a dual immersion program or students who proficiently speak the target language receive placement priority. 

Parent Responsibilities

  • Commit to long-term participation in the dual immersion program.
  • Develop an understanding of dual immersion education.
  • Read with your child (in your home language) 20-30 minutes daily.
  • Encourage the use of the target language outside of school.
  • Provide community support and, when possible, volunteer.
  • Enjoy the challenges; celebrate the results.

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

Canyons School District is committed to making this website compliant with the ADA. At this time, we recognize that not all areas of this website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of redesigning and creating new website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines. If you are experiencing issues with this website, please contact us here communications@canyonsdistrict.org